The lost future of young Gazans | 加沙年轻人失去的未来 - FT中文网
The lost future of young Gazans

War has robbed the strip of promising talents and decimated its education system. Academics warn a brain drain will follow | 战争夺走了这个地区最有前途的人才,摧毁了它的教育体系。学者们警告说,人才流失将随之而来。

This was supposed to be Yasser al-Ostaz’s final year at Al-Azhar University in Gaza City before graduating as an engineer. But on October 7, exactly a week after classes started in 2023, his hopes of completing his degree were shattered.
这本应是亚西尔•奥斯塔兹(Yasser al-Ostaz)在加沙城的爱资哈尔大学(Al-Azhar University)的最后一年,他梦想以工程师的身份完成学业。然而,就在2023年开学仅一周后的10月7日,他获得学位的希望却突然破灭了。
Al-Ostaz, from north Gaza, is now living in a tent in the small town of Rafah, at the southernmost end of the territory, where more than a million people threatened with famine have crammed in to seek refuge from the military offensive Israel is waging against the militant group Hamas.
For the 2.3mn Gazans trapped in the enclave devastated by five months of Israeli bombardment, survival is the immediate concern. But many are deeply anxious about their fates after the bombs stop falling. “There is nothing left after our homes and universities have been destroyed,” says al-Ostaz. “I think of leaving, but I haven’t got the slightest idea what to do.”
There are “a million questions” for which he has no answers buzzing around in his head: “Will the years I have spent at university count anywhere else — or will I have to start from scratch? Will I be able to travel? Could I scrape together the money to go?”
Before the war, there were over 800 schools in Gaza and 17 higher education institutions, including six universities, but many of these have been damaged or completely destroyed.
Al-Azhar, which al-Ostaz attended, was opened in 1991 by Yasser Arafat, and is considered one of Gaza’s more liberal universities for its curriculum and co-ed classes. But much of the university has been damaged by Israeli air strikes and a second campus in nearby Al-Mughraqa funded by Morocco and Saudi Arabia, is in ruins. What buildings are left house thousands of displaced people seeking shelter.
亚西尔•阿拉法特(Yasser Arafat)开办的加沙爱资哈尔大学,是奥斯塔兹曾就读的学府,自1991年以来因其课程设置和男女同校教学而被视为加沙较为开放的大学之一。然而,大部分校园建筑已遭以色列空袭严重破坏,另一处由摩洛哥和沙特阿拉伯资助、位于Al-Mughraqa附近的分校区已荒废。剩余的建筑现为数以千计寻求避难的流离失所者提供了临时住所。
The tens of thousands of students like al-Ostaz, and the families of more than 600,000 children in the territory whose education has been cut short, have little realistic hope of schooling resuming any time soon.
For Gaza’s disproportionately young population — around 65 per cent are 24 or younger — returning to their lessons will be one of the biggest challenges they will face once the war has ended.
The repercussions for the future are severe. Academics warn the decimation of Gaza’s education system is a catastrophe that will further wreck Palestinian lives. Not only has Israel’s offensive flattened hundreds of schools and universities, it has also killed many educated Gazans, including students, young professionals, cultural figures, teachers and university professors. The loss to Palestinian society is incalculable, some say.
“The social fabric of communities in Gaza and their ability to rebuild their lives has been dismantled,” says Ala Alazzeh, an anthropology professor at Birzeit University in the occupied West Bank.
“加沙社区的社会结构及其重建生活的能力已经被瓦解,”位于被占领以西岸(West Bank)的比尔泽特大学(Birzeit University)人类学教授阿拉•阿拉泽(Ala Alazzeh)表示。
“Look at the number of professors killed. Established scholarship has been destroyed. It will not be just a matter of rebuilding physical space, but also capacity and academic training. If we don’t use the word genocide, we can say ‘sociocide’ — the destruction of society.”

Palestinians across Gaza and the West Bank have long reported one of the highest literacy levels in the Arab world in spite of decades of occupation and a 17-year blockade of the strip.
Literacy levels stand at almost 98 per cent, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in September 2023, similar to those in the wealthy Gulf states. Illiteracy fell from 13.9 per cent in 1997 to 2.2 per cent in 2023.
根据巴勒斯坦中央统计局(Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics)2023年9月的数据,巴勒斯坦的识字率接近98%,与富裕的海湾国家持平。自1997年的13.9%以来,文盲率已降至2023年的2.2%。
Education was among the first sectors handed over from Israeli to Palestinian administration in the 1994 Oslo Accords, and is highly prized in society.
教育是1994年《奥斯陆协议》(Oslo Accords)中首批移交给巴勒斯坦管理的领域之一,在社会中极受重视。
Universities in Gaza offered degrees in a wide range of disciplines and many graduates, despite the restrictions, managed to complete masters and doctorates in the west and come back to work or teach, says Mukhaimer Abu Saada, professor of political science al Al-Azhar University.
加沙爱资哈尔大学政治学教授穆凯默•阿布•萨达(Mukhaimer Abu Saada)表示,加沙的大学提供了多种学科的学位课程。尽管面临种种限制,许多毕业生仍然设法在西方完成了硕士和博士学位,并返回加沙工作或进行教学。
“Historically, Palestinians have invested heavily in educating their children,” he adds. “High unemployment in the last 17 years since Hamas took over control in Gaza has discouraged some young men from pursuing university degrees. But for women who wanted to change their lives, that was the only route.”
But this progress is now in jeopardy. Beyond the damage to infrastructure, the loss of life has further impoverished Gazan society by depriving it of the contributions of some of its most promising young members.
A young man in a blue shirt smiles for the camera

Maisara Alrayyes was killed by an Israeli air strike along with his parents and other relatives on November 6

Via facebook
A man in a suit folds his arms and smiles for a photo

Tariq Thabet and more than a dozen of his family members were killed in an Israeli air strike on their home in central Gaza City on October 29

一位身穿蓝衬衫的年轻男子对着相机微笑来自Facebook的消息显示,Maisara Alrayyes与他的父母及其他亲属在11月6日的以色列空袭中丧生。
A man in a suit folds his arms and smiles for a photo

塔里克•萨贝特(Tariq Thabet)和他的十几位家庭成员在10月29日发生在加沙城的以色列空袭中丧生。

These include people like 28-year-old Maisara Alrayyes, a young doctor who completed an MSc at King’s College London funded by the prestigious UK Chevening scholarship.
这包括了像28岁的Maisara Alrayyes这样的年轻医生,他在获得声誉卓著的英国Chevening奖学金资助下,在伦敦国王学院完成了硕士学位。
He could have secured a well-paying job in the Gulf or Europe but instead he chose to return to Gaza where he worked for Médecins Du Monde, an international charity. “He was hardworking, very precise, very reliable, always kind and with a great sense of humour,” says Mads Gilbert, a professor of emergency medicine, who taught Alrayyes at Al-Azhar University and later became a friend.
他本可以在海湾地区或欧洲找到一份高薪工作,但他选择回到加沙,在那里他加入了国际慈善机构医生无国界组织(Médecins Du Monde)工作。加沙爱资哈尔大学的急诊医学教授马德斯•吉尔伯特(Mads Gilbert)曾教授过Maisara Alrayyes,并最终成为了他的朋友。吉尔伯特说:“他工作勤奋,非常细致,可靠,总是友好且富有极佳的幽默感。”
The pair launched a project to train medical students to deliver life-saving first aid courses to ordinary citizens. On November 6, Alrayyes was killed by an Israeli air strike along with his parents and other relatives.
两人发起了一个项目,训练医学生教授普通市民生命急救课程。11月6日,Maisara Alrayyes在一次以色列空袭中与父母和其他亲人一起遇难。
Similarly, project management specialist Tariq Thabet, who was in his late thirties, eschewed a life outside of Gaza to make a difference in his homeland. Thabet, who won a Fulbright scholarship in 2021, called the opportunity to study economic development at Michigan State University “a life-changing voyage”.
同样,年近四十的项目管理专家塔里克•萨贝特选择留在加沙,为了在自己的祖国带来变革。萨贝特在2021年赢得了富布莱特奖学金,他将在密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)学习经济发展的机会称作“一次改变人生的航程”。
When he returned home in 2022, he devoted himself to Gaza’s young entrepreneurs, directing the business incubator at the University College of Applied Sciences. His friends estimate that Thabet helped thousands of young people find jobs — a lifeline for youth in the strip, where unemployment runs at around 70 per cent. Thabet and more than a dozen of his family members were killed in an Israeli air strike on their home in central Gaza City on October 29.
Then there is 14-year-old Lubna Alyaan, a talented violinist killed with dozens of her family members in an air strike on November 21 on her aunt’s house in Nuseirat, south of Gaza City. The schoolgirl, who attended the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music in Gaza, had impressed her teachers with her diligence and skill leading to lessons with global musicians such as Tom Suarez, a former member of the Baltimore and American symphony orchestras.
14岁的小提琴天才卢布娜•阿利扬(Lubna Alyaan)在11月21日对加沙城南部努赛拉特地区她姑姑家的空袭中,与她的许多家庭成员一同遇难。这位就读于加沙爱德华•萨义德国家音乐学院(Edward Said National Conservatory of Music)的女学生,以她的勤奋和技艺给老师们留下了深刻的印象,这也使她有机会跟随世界级音乐家学习,例如曾是巴尔的摩交响乐团和美国交响乐团成员的汤姆•苏亚雷斯(Tom Suarez)。
For Samar Ashour, a teacher and mother of three now displaced from Gaza City to Rafah “the future of a whole generation is at risk”.
萨马尔•阿舒尔(Samar Ashour)是一位现从加沙城搬到拉法的教师,也是三个孩子的母亲,她认为,“整整一代人的未来正悬于一线”。
She tries to revise lessons with her children, but says her youngest, a girl of six, has lost her previous enthusiasm for learning, still suffering from shock since a close friend was killed.
“She says, I don’t want to go to school or anywhere. I just want to stay with you so we die together when we are bombed,” Ashour adds.

Gaza’s education infrastructure was already under pressure before the war, according to a report from the Education Cluster, a grouping of UN and other aid organisations co-led by Unicef and Save the Children.
根据联合国儿童基金会和救助儿童会(Save the Children)共同领导的教育集群的报告,战争前加沙的教育基础设施就已经面临压力。教育集群是由联合国及其他援助组织组成的。
Schools were operating double shifts to meet demand, classrooms were crowded and school hours had been curtailed. Witnessing the horrors of frequent conflicts had also taken a toll on the mental wellbeing of children with four out of five living with “depression, grief and fear” even before October 7, the report says.
But after Hamas militants staged a bloody rampage in southern Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking hundreds hostage, according to the government. The Jewish state retaliated with a ferocious military offensive, devastating the territory as it sought to eradicate the Islamist group. At least 31,000 have been killed in Gaza so far, says Palestinian health authorities.
The war put a halt to education in Gaza’s 813 schools which, because of double shifting, shared 563 school buildings. Around 76 per cent of school buildings have been damaged, many extensively, says the Education Cluster. On top of that, hundreds of schools are now housing displaced people who are likely to continue to shelter there even after a ceasefire, because their homes have been destroyed and they have nowhere to go.
“The education infrastructure will need to be rebuilt entirely. Education materials will need to be completely replaced,” says the Education Cluster, who estimates this will cost at least $855mn.
Another uncertainty is the fate of UNRWA, the biggest UN agency working in Gaza, which ran 183 schools serving some 300,000 students. The aid agency had its funding frozen by the US, UK and other countries after Israel alleged that a dozen of its 13,000 employees in Gaza had played a role in the October 7 attacks. UNRWA has sacked the staffers and the UN has launched an investigation into the claims.
The collapse of UNRWA would leave a giant hole in Gaza’s education system that would be difficult to fill, UN officials say.
Universities have also been the target of Israel’s bombardment. Five out of the main six universities in Gaza have been completely or partially destroyed. This include the total destruction of the Hamas-affiliated Islamic University of Gaza, one of the largest in the strip with some 20,000 students, which Israel alleged was a “central training centre” for Hamas engineers.
The university’s president Sofyan Taya, a scientist and prolific scholar in the field of optics, was also killed in air strikes alongside his wife and five children.
该大学校长索菲扬•塔亚(Sofyan Taya),一位光学领域的科学家和多产学者,他与妻子及五名孩子一同在空袭中遇难。
Israel says it is investigating the demolition of Israa University, south of Gaza City, which was blown up on January 17 by Israeli soldiers after using it as a base for 70 days. The independent, private, not-for-profit institution established in 2014 — whose motto was “change towards professionalism” — taught medicine, engineering, finance, law and the humanities to some 4,000 students.
以色列正调查位于加沙城南的伊斯拉大学(Israa University)被拆毁一事,该校在1月17日遭以色列炸毁,此前已被作为军事基地使用70天。这家成立于2014年的独立私立非营利大学,以“迈向专业化的变革”为校训,为约4000名学生提供医学、工程、金融、法律及人文学科的教育。
Dramatic video footage, filmed by the soldiers, shows the moment the entire campus collapses in a thick cloud of smoke and dust.
Gaza is also mourning the deaths of some 95 academics and researchers, according to Palestinian officials, including 77 PhD holders and three heads of universities.
Neve Gordon, an Israeli professor who teaches international law and human rights at Queen Mary University in London, says the dismantling of Gaza’s education system will lead to the “de-development” of the territory — something he and other academics in the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies consider a deliberate Israeli policy. The Jewish state insists it only targets buildings connected to Hamas.
在伦敦的玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary University)教授国际法和人权的以色列教授内夫•戈登(Neve Gordon)表示,加沙教育系统的拆解将导致该地区的“去发展化”——他和英国中东研究学会的其他学者认为这是以色列故意实施的政策。以色列坚称其仅针对与哈马斯有关联的建筑物。
“The systematic nature of the attacks, the number of professors killed and schools damaged demonstrate intent,” says Gordon, who warns of a “brain drain due to destruction and death”.

While no one is sure of what the territory’s next chapter will entail — Israel says it intends to exercise direct security control — academics agree that an exodus of qualified people is likely.
The blow to every aspect of life in Gaza will make it very difficult for members of the tiny middle class, including educators, to resume lives there. Many analysts predict they will seek opportunities abroad.
For university students, joining Palestinian society in the West Bank is not even possible because, as Alazzeh of Birzeit University points out, Israeli restrictions on movement prevent Palestinians from Gaza from attending educational institutions in the other occupied territories.
Abu Saada, of Al-Azhar university, says that people will “look for other places to go. If not for their own sake, then for that of their children; for this generation that is being lost.”
加沙爱资哈尔大学的阿布•萨达(Abu Saada)表示,人们会“寻找其他去处。如果不是为了自己,那也是为了他们的孩子;为了这一代正在逝去的人们。”
He estimates tens or hundreds of thousands will want to migrate. “It is clear no one wants to take them, but maybe they will resort to illegal migration.”
Since 2007, thousands of young people have already migrated “because of poverty, unemployment and lack of opportunity, heading to Turkey and Europe,” Abu Saada adds.
Even if a ceasefire can be reached, the task to rebuild Gaza’s education system, the foundation for any future development, is colossal.
For a start, the destruction of housing and electricity grids renders it impossible even to replicate the experience of online learning during Covid. A majority of Gazans are living in tents or shelters with no access to technology.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has vowed there will be no reconstruction before the “demilitarisation of Gaza” and a “comprehensive deradicalisation programme” in education and religious discourse.
以色列总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)誓言,在实施“加沙去军事化”和教育及宗教话语中的“全面去极端化计划”之前,不会有任何重建工作。
But Alazzeh says Israel is more likely to get the exact opposite of the outcome it wants. “There will be more resistance and more radicalisation,” he adds. “I don’t know how people will deal with their trauma, but for sure it . . . will take a collective form.”
Al-Azhar’s Abu Saada also fears the war will lead to the radicalisation of a new generation. He says: “Those who have survived after their entire families have been killed, they will neither forget nor forgive.”

Snapshot of a lost generation


Halima al-Kahlout, artist


Born 1994


The difficulties of daily life in Gaza were never far from Kahlout’s mind. She channelled those experiences into her art, crafting paintings, murals and sculptures that explored themes such as the right to life and medical treatment in Gaza, as well as the marginalisation of women.
For one exhibit, she made giant sculptures of everyday objects and sharp tools out of cardboard, “to show that as much as these tools save us time and effort, they would be painful if applied to human beings”. That imagined violence, she said, was not far from the reality of Gazan life under occupation.
Kahlout was in the early stages of her career but she had big dreams of showing her art to the world. “We’re losing by the day some of the most creative and gifted artists who brought beauty, sanity and healing to the larger besieged Gazan community,” the president of a university where she painted her last mural wrote, after learning of her death in an Israeli air strike on October 29.

Refaat Alareer, poet and educator


Born 1979


Refaat Alareer, a pillar of Gaza’s cultural community, is remembered by students as an inspired educator and passionate poet who loved Shakespeare.
加沙文化界的中坚力量雷法特•阿拉里尔(Refaat Alareer),被学生们怀念为一位启迪灵感的教育者和对莎士比亚充满热爱的富有激情的诗人。
A professor of English literature and creative writing at the Islamic University of Gaza, he saw the English language as “a vehicle for liberation and empowerment”, according to writer Jehad Abusalim’s tribute in The Nation.
Alareer co-founded We Are Not Numbers, which paired young Palestinian writers with experienced authors abroad as mentors. He edited two volumes in English; Gaza Writes Back (2014) and Gaza Unsilenced (2015).
阿拉里尔共同创立了“我们不是数字”(We Are Not Numbers)组织,旨在将年轻的巴勒斯坦作家与海外经验丰富的作家配对,担任他们的导师。他编辑了两部英文作品:《加沙回声》(2014年)和《加沙未沉默》(2015年)。
A fierce critic of Israel who lost a brother and other relatives to an Israeli strike in 2014, he told the BBC that the October 7 attack by Hamas was “legitimate and moral”, which the broadcaster condemned as offensive.
Alareer was killed by a strike on Gaza City on December 7, along with several family members. He is survived by his wife and six children. A recitation by Brian Cox, the Scottish actor, of Alareer’s last poem “If I Must Die” has been widely shared on social media.
12月7日,阿拉里尔在加沙城的一次袭击中遇难,他的几位家人也在此次袭击中丧生。他留下了妻子和六个孩子。苏格兰演员布赖恩•考克斯(Brian Cox)朗诵了阿拉里尔的遗作诗篇《如果我必须死》,这段朗诵在社交媒体上被广泛传播。

Sirin Mohammed al-Attar, obstetrician


Born 1984


A gynaecologist and obstetrician, Sirin al-Attar worked with UNRWA which provides health, education and other services to Palestinian refugees in Gaza. She is one of at least 165 UNRWA workers killed in the war so far.
西琳•阿尔-阿塔尔(Sirin al-Attar)是一名妇产科医生,她在近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处工作,该机构为加沙的巴勒斯坦难民提供健康、教育以及其他服务。在迄今为止的战争中,至少有165名近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处工作人员被杀,她便是其中之一。
A graduate of Al-Quds University in Jerusalem, she had practised in Gaza, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, impressing colleagues with her devotion to work and empathy for patients. “She was one of the best, most wonderful and most humane doctors I have met and dealt with,” said Ghada al-Jadba, head of UNRWA’s health programme in Gaza.
她是耶路撒冷阿尔-库兹大学(Al-Quds University)的毕业生,在加沙、约旦和沙特阿拉伯执业过,以对工作的投入和对患者的同情而赢得同事们的赞赏。近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处加沙卫生项目负责人加达•阿尔-贾德巴(Ghada al-Jadba)评价她说:“她是我遇见和共事过的最优秀、最令人钦佩以及最具人道主义精神的医生之一。”
Attar was killed with one of her three daughters in a bombing on al-Bureij refugee camp in the middle section of Gaza on October 11.

Ayat Khaddoura, video blogger

艾雅特•卡杜拉(Ayat Khaddoura),视频博主

Born 1996


“Only believe in yourself,” wrote Khaddoura on her Facebook page. Completely at ease on camera, Khaddoura had before the war built her profile as a video blogger, posting on everything from Palestinian strawberries to women in politics. When Israel launched its offensive, she turned to documenting the harsh lives of Palestinians under bombardment to her followers across the Arab world.
Living in north Gaza, where Israel initially focused its heaviest attacks, she posted increasingly fraught videos as the “terrifying noises” of war drew closer to her home. On November 20, in what she tearfully described as possibly her final video she said the scenes around her were “extremely terrifying”. Khaddoura and several of her family were killed that day.

Hammam Alloh, nephrologist


Born 1987


Alloh trained as a nephrologist after noting the desperate need in his native Gaza for kidney specialists. After 14 years studying abroad, he returned home two years ago and worked at Al-Shifa hospital, the biggest in the enclave.
When war broke out, Alloh worked around the clock. Asked in a Democracy Now interview why he would not flee south when Israel’s military began to push civilians out of northern Gaza, he replied: “If I go, who treats my patients? . . . Do you think I went to med school to think only about my life?”
On November 11, Alloh went to his in-laws to rest between shifts. He was killed when an Israeli air strike hit their home.

Hiba Abu Nada, poet


Born 1991


When the war began, Abu Nada did what she always did — she wrote. She would post snippets of her new poems and one-liners on social media, snapshots of a life under siege.
They circulated widely, drawing international attention to the poet and novelist who was already well-known in her native Gaza and beyond. In one of her last poems posted to X before she was killed, she wrote in Arabic: “The city’s night is dark, apart from the glow of rockets; quiet, apart from the sound of bombs; terrifying, apart from the comfort of prayer; black, apart from the light of the martyrs. Goodnight Gaza.”
Abu Nada was killed in an Israeli air strike on her home in Khan Younis on October 20. She was 32.
10月20日,阿布•纳达在以色列对其位于汗尤尼斯(Khan Younis)家中的空袭中丧生,她只有32岁。











