Companies have asked for a growing share of executive education courses to be delivered online in recent months, in a reversal of a post-pandemic trend to return to in-person training, according to the latest FT rankings of leading business schools.
The proportion of tailored “custom” programmes provided online by schools to corporate clients rose sharply from 19 per cent in 2022 to 30 per cent last year. A further 22 per cent of courses were offered in “blended” format, with in-person and online components.
Insead, based in France and Singapore, was ranked first by the FT among 90 providers of custom executive education courses, ahead of Iese of Spain, IMD of Switzerland, and Duke Corporate Education of the US.
欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)位于法国和新加坡,在英国《金融时报》90家定制高管教育课程提供商中排名第一,领先于西班牙Iese商学院、瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)和美国杜克企业教育学院(Duke Corporate education)之前。
Executive Education Rankings 2024

Read the rankings of custom and open-enrolment programmes

Among the 80 schools providing open enrolment courses, France’s HEC Paris returned to top place, ahead of Iese and Esade in Spain and London Business School in the UK.
在提供开放招生课程的80所学校中,法国的巴黎高等商学院(HEC Paris)重新夺得首位,位居西班牙的Iese和Esade以及英国的伦敦商学院(London Business School)之前。
Ilya Breyman, head of Coursalytics, a company that analyses the executive education market, said: “Longer programmes must incorporate online elements to maintain student engagement. This shift is partly a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, which necessitated the adoption of online learning, making it a new reality in education.”
分析高管教育市场的Coursalytics公司负责人伊利亚•布雷曼(Ilya Breyman)说:“时间较长的课程必须融入在线元素,以保持学生的参与度。这种转变在一定程度上是新冠大流行的结果,疫情促使人们必须采用在线学习,使在线学习成为教育领域的新现实。”
Data from his analysis suggested that 38 per cent of open enrolment programmes were provided online or in blended format among leading business schools, rising to 50 per cent among those in North America.
Winfried Ruigrok, former dean of the Executive School of Management, Technology & Law at the University of St Gallen in Switzerland, reports a nuanced picture. “The vast majority of clients want to go back to face-to-face, but we occasionally offer blended learning,” he said. “Clients always ask if you provide it online and schools have to be able to deliver it in ways that are attractive.”
瑞士圣加仑大学(University of St Gallen)管理、技术与法律高级管理学院(Executive School of Management, Technology & Law)前院长温弗里德•瑞格罗克(Winfried Ruigrok)描述了一幅微妙的画面。他说:“绝大多数客户希望回到面对面学习,但我们偶尔也会提供混合式学习。客户总是问你是否提供在线课程,而学校必须能够以有吸引力的方式提供课程。”
Demand for non-diploma business courses for executives remains strong, notably on topics around leadership, sustainability and digital transformation. Josh Bersin, a human resources adviser, said: “Executive education is still a big market. It’s seen almost as a reward. People also want the brand of a business school on their resume.”
However, business schools have been forced to step up innovation and adapt to competition from commercial training companies. Sharmla Chetty, chief executive of Duke CE, said: “Our clients want practical and applied insights, and co-creating performance metrics with us. They are saying that, now we are adopting AI, what about you?”
然而,商学院不得不加强创新,适应来自商业培训公司的竞争。杜克企业教育的首席执行官Sharmla Chetty说:“我们的客户需要实用的应用见解,需要与我们共同制定绩效指标。他们说,现在我们正在采用人工智能,你们呢?”
Antoine Poincaré, vice-president of training at AXA Climate, a subsidiary of the French insurer which provides training on sustainability, said the alternative provider’s approach had received strong demand from companies. He focuses on providing specialist insights into the specific economic sectors in which his clients operate.
安盛集团(AXA)旗下提供可持续发展培训的子公司安盛气候(AXA Climate)负责培训的副总裁安托万•波昂卡罗(Antoine poincarcarcarcars)表示,这家替代性供应商的方法受到了企业的强烈需求。他专注于为客户经营的特定经济领域提供专业见解。
But Ruigrok at St Gallen said many business schools were more broadly holding their own in competition with non-academic rivals. “The others offer customer proximity and people who know how to deliver,” he said. “What they often lack is depth, independence and the ability to issue official paper. I don’t have the impression that consultants are always winning.”