{"text":[[{"start":10.65,"text":"The biggest story of our time is not the US presidential election or Elon Musk’s ego. "},{"start":15.754000000000001,"text":"It is our destruction of the natural world, which places into jeopardy our own future. "},{"start":20.409,"text":"Sadly, this story is depressing and overwhelming, and therefore not generally the stuff of bestsellers. "}],[{"start":27.189999999999998,"text":"It is also, as Sunil Amrith reminds us in The Burning Earth, not a new story. "},{"start":32.244,"text":"His narrative begins in England in 1217. "},{"start":35.299,"text":"Two years after Magna Carta, the nobility secured a “Charter of the Forest” that would facilitate their exploitation of land, timber and game. "},{"start":42.766999999999996,"text":"For the rich, the freedom to influence laws went hand-in-hand with the freedom to plunder nature. "},{"start":47.708999999999996,"text":"So it has been ever since. "}],[{"start":49.75,"text":"A professor of history at Yale University, Amrith recounts countless episodes of human greed, including the imperialism of Spain, Russia, China, Britain and others; the growth of South Africa’s gold mines, where the suffering of African miners helped to forge London as a financial centre; and the murders of modern-day environmentalists. "},{"start":67.779,"text":"We have reached planetary crisis because of “our inability to imagine kinship with other humans, let alone other species”. "},{"start":74.247,"text":"We failed to understand that freedom has “ecological preconditions”. "}],[{"start":78.76,"text":"The Burning Earth is billed as a “paradigm-shifting global survey of how human history has reshaped the planet, and vice versa”. "},{"start":85.652,"text":"In truth, it covers some of the same ground as Oxford historian Peter Frankopan did in The Earth Transformed, published early last year. "},{"start":92.932,"text":"Only by understanding how we have treated the planet in the past can we understand our future, both books argue. "}],[{"start":99.5,"text":"Amrith does place more emphasis on Asian history. "},{"start":102.767,"text":"He mentions his childhood in Singapore, whose long-serving prime minister Lee Kuan Yew called air conditioning “the most important invention for us”. "}],[{"start":111.07,"text":"One of the book’s contentions is that, particularly after the advent of fossil fuels, humans wrongly believed that they could be free of nature’s constraints. "},{"start":118.937,"text":"This framing is intuitively appealing, but Amrith provides little evidence that this is how people thought. "},{"start":124.392,"text":"He simply states that, by 1900, colonial administrators believed “they had mastered nothing less than life itself”, even though millions died in famines in the 1890s, linked to the El Niño climate phenomenon. "},{"start":136.047,"text":"The Burning Earth goes on to quote a UN report from 1952 stating that “man can be the master of his environment and not its slave” (this was in the context of reducing infectious disease). "},{"start":145.964,"text":"But the book is mainly one episode of destruction after another, with only rare titbits about ideas. "}],[{"start":152.42,"text":"Much of the activity he describes is not humans “escaping” nature, but treating it as a series of exploitable resources. "},{"start":158.974,"text":"This may have partly reflected people’s belief less in their own greatness than in their own powerlessness. "},{"start":164.04199999999997,"text":"Amrith quotes John Smith, the leader of Jamestown colony in Virginia in the early 17th century, who said of wild animals: “their bounds are so large, they so wilde, and we so weake and ignorant, we cannot much trouble them”. "}],[{"start":null,"text":"