
Governments do not usually need a reset after barely 12 weeks in office. But Britain’s Labour party went into what ought to have been a celebratory conference this week with its approval ratings, and consumer confidence, both tumbling thanks to political mis-steps and excessively gloomy messaging since its landslide victory in July. Speeches that were somewhat more upbeat and sure-footed from chancellor Rachel Reeves and Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer may help to stabilise the government. More work lies ahead, however, to get its project back on the rails.
政府通常不需要在上任仅仅12周后进行重置。但是英国工党在本周举行本应是庆祝胜选的大会时,其支持率和英国消费者信心都大幅下滑,因为该党在7月取得压倒性胜利之后的政治失误和过度悲观的信息传递。如果财政大臣蕾切尔•里夫斯(Rachel Reeves)和首相基尔•斯塔默爵士(Sir Keir Starmer)能够发表更乐观和稳健的演讲,可能有助于稳定政府局势。然而,还需要更多的工作来使其计划重新上轨道。
The first step must be for Starmer to “take back control” — and bring to government the discipline that defined Labour’s election campaign. Vacancies in key Downing Street positions should be quickly filled. The prime minister needs a capable and trusted top team to begin serious policy delivery and make nimbler political judgments. Ministers may deem the recent furore over accepting “freebies” such as clothing a petty issue, especially after Tory-era excesses. But they underestimated the damage to public perceptions.
首先,斯塔默必须“重新夺回控制权”——并将工党选举期间的纪律带入政府。唐宁街(Downing Street)的关键职位空缺应该迅速填补。首相需要一个能干且值得信赖的高级团队,来开始认真执行政策并做出更灵活的政治判断。大臣们可能认为最近关于收受“免费赠品”(如服装)的争议是个小问题,尤其是在英国经历了保守党时代的越轨行为之后。但他们低估了这对公众观感的损害。
A second priority is to hone the communications strategy. Two years after Liz Truss’s disastrous mini-budget, and given historical market mistrust of Labour, the government has to pursue its commitment to fiscal discipline. But it should also avoid an undue pessimism that unsettles businesses, investors and households. The chancellor’s hint this week that she would tweak the government’s fiscal rules to allow higher capital expenditure was a welcome leavening of the message.
第二个优先事项是完善沟通策略。在利兹•特拉斯(Liz Truss)灾难性的迷你预算过去两年后,以及考虑到市场对工党的历史性不信任,政府必须坚持它对财政纪律的承诺。但它也应避免过度悲观,以免令企业、投资者和家庭感到不安。本周,财政大臣暗示将调整政府的财政法规以允许更高的资本支出,这是一个受欢迎的信息调和剂。
The prime minister’s vow, meanwhile, to be honest about the difficult trade-offs of governing was in many ways refreshing after years of Tory “cakeism”. A readiness to make unpopular decisions rather than offer deceptive but easy answers is a counter to rightwing populists. But trade-offs should be chosen with care. Agreeing costly pay settlements with rail unions — even as the government ends payments to pensioners for winter fuel — will seem questionable to many.
Starmer the forensic ex-prosecutor should not underestimate what Bill Clinton called the “vision thing”. A government whose electoral victory rested on an unusually narrow portion of the vote still has to communicate more clearly the essence of its purpose. The prime minister went some way with his talk of a future-facing NHS, secure borders, clean energy, and new homes, roads and schools. But he needs to pull the strands together into a Big Idea.
前检察官斯塔默不应低估比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)所称的“愿景”(vision thing)。一届政府的选举胜利虽然依赖于选票的一个异常狭窄部分,但仍然需要更清晰地传达其目标的本质。首相谈到了面向未来的英国国民医疗服务体系(NHS)、安全的边境、清洁能源以及新的住房、道路和学校,这有点作用。但他需要将这些线索汇聚成一个“大理念”(Big Idea)。
When it comes to a key thread of his speech — the need for a more active government in Britain — Labour should tread carefully. The UK does require a government that ensures hospitals, prisons and housing are built, and trains made to work, and invests where necessary. But often this should be in conjunction with private business and funding. The goal must be to create the infrastructure for investment and entrepreneurialism to thrive so that growth can take off — but without overweening interference.
Starmer’s Labour was embraced by many businesses in the run-up to the election. They appreciate stability and a growth agenda. But they need to see more commitment to the needs of private enterprise. A coming package on employee rights, which many companies fear will tilt the balance too far towards workers, will be a key test.
An investment summit and Labour’s first Budget next month will provide further opportunities to reassure business. After again ruling out tax rises for “working people”, the government must avoid placing a stifling burden on wealth generators and scaring away investors. The woeful Conservative legacy means business, like the rest of the country, needs Labour’s project to succeed.